Güncel Haber Sitesi

Haber Takip Merkezi – Güncel ve Tarafsız Haber Sitesi – Ülkenin Nabzını Tutan Site

İstanbulkart öğrenci ücretleri ne kadar oldu?

Köprü ve otoyol ücretlerindeki artışın ardından İstanbul’da toplu taşıma ücretlerine de zam yapıldı. İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin zam talebi kabul edilerek toplu ulaşımda yüzde 35 oranında artış gerçekleşti. Milyonlarca öğrenci ise İstanbulkart ...

Istanbul Public Transportation Prices Increased Following Bridge and Highway Fee Hike

Following the increase in bridge and highway fees, public transportation prices in Istanbul have also been raised. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality’s request for a price hike has been approved, resulting in a 35% increase in public transportation costs.

Millions of students have started to wonder about the monthly subscription and card printing fees for Istanbulkart. Along with the price hike, full and student boarding fees, as well as subscription prices, have been rearranged.

For the year 2025, the student Istanbulkart single card printing fee has increased from 9.76 TL to 13.17 TL. The monthly student subscription fee has also been raised from 282.5 TL to 381.37 TL. The student single boarding fee for Metrobus has also increased from 9.76 TL to 13.17 TL.